Last week was the week-long residency for my MFA program. I spent a week living poetry: reading, writing, breathing, eating, and drinking poetry. Talking and writing and laughing and staying up waaaaay too late several nights in a row – four hours of sleep is enough, right? Okay, no, it decidedly wasn’t. But with a lot of coffee I got through it. And as usual, I came home equally exhausted and exhilarated. I’ve got a bunch of edits to do on my poems that were workshopped and I’ve got a whole list of new poets to read. I’m pumped about my writing and about pushing it forward, pushing it harder.

Once home on Sunday I unpacked, did laundry, walked the dog, and then finally sat down at my computer to read the emails I’d been neglecting all week. (What can I say, residency week is a bit consuming.) One of the emails was the announcement of theĀ Deranged, A Picaroon Poetry Anthology, which features two of my poems, is now available for purchase!



This anthology features poems that are rule-breaking, gender non-conforming, and highlight women in the arts. I’m so pleased to have my poems alongside so many amazing poets. You can read more about the anthology here and you can order your copy here.


Be sure to follow me on Twitter, like my Facebook page, and find me on Instagram to keep up to date with my poetry, readings, and other happenings!