April is National Poetry Month and this year it’s a very busy month for me.


Last Friday, I posted this picture on Instagram, my goal is to fill the month with poetry and I started by checking out a bunch of poetry books from the library!

Wine & Poetry

Wine & Poetry


Later tonight I’ll board a flight and spend a week in Tunisia for work, I’ve never been there, or to any country in Africa, so I’m looking forward to exploring the area and see what poems are inspired by my trip. Later in the month I’m attending the Split This Rock 2016 Poetry Festival, it’s going to be four days of poetry awesomeness. On April 19th I’ll be leading a poetry workshop at Studio Pause. On April 23rd, my sister and I are having our poetry and art show, Siamese Sisters, at Studio Pause. It is a month of poetry!


How are you celebrating National Poetry Month?