Last week I received the proof of my chapbook, Siamese Sisters. As you can see from the picture, I was very excited to receive it.

Excited to receive the proof of Siamese Sisters!

Excited to receive the proof of Siamese Sisters!


I reviewed it and the order is now with the printer, I’ll have copies available soon! The chapbook is for the upcoming poetry and art show my sister and I are doing. If you’re unable to make the event and want to have a copy of the chapbook mailed to you please send $12 via PayPal – be sure to provide your mailing address in the comments so I can send it to you. If you’re local and would like to buy an advance copy please send $10 via PayPal – I can bring it to the show for you (if you’ll be there) or I can plan on handing it over the next time I see you. I will also have copies available during the show at the art studio, the only difference in buying it in advance is all proceeds go to me, the author. If you buy a copy at the the show, the studio takes a percentage of the profits – that’s the cost of doing business.

Reviewing the proof, while drinking wine of course!

Reviewing the proof, while drinking wine of course!


I’ve been asked by a few people about how I’m publishing this chapbook and why I’m charging for it. Here’s the short answer: I believe my poetry is worth $10*. Also, I created this chapbook of poetry for a specific event, which means I don’t have a publisher backing me or helping me. I wrote all the poems, did the layout and formatting, and asked my super-talented sister to create the awesome cover for me. All of that takes time and energy. I also had to pay to print them, which isn’t cheap. It’s unlikely I’ll ever get rich writing poetry and it’s unlikely I’ll ever make a living writing poetry, but I hope my poetry will be self-sustaining and it will, at some point, pay for itself. I’m not there yet, but that’s the modest goal I’ve set for myself. So that’s why I’m selling the book for $10 – I think it’s a reasonable price, it allows me to make a (very) small profit, and helps support my goal of continuing to write poetry.

*While I’m charging $10 for the chapbook, I get less than half of that as profit. Printing a book isn’t cheap. So really, it’s more like my poetry is worth $4.50 after I’ve deducted printing costs.